Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother's Day

We had such a nice first Mother's Day around here.  With Mom and Jason each propping me up on one side, we managed to take Henry to church.  He was wide awake when we walked in, and Jason and I looked at each other in fear that he would suddenly decide to make his presence known during the middle of the service, but the worship band apparently lulled him to sleep (he was much less active in church outside of me than inside me, where he would kick at me throughout the sermon).  After church we had lunch at la Madeline and brought a pastry home...and then proceeded to eat it and at least a dozen oatmeal cookies between us.  Sounds just about right.

It was so great to spend Mother's Day with my mom--the first time I've been able to in over ten years.  Motherhood has made me appreciate her on a whole new level, partly because parenthood has given Jason and me both a deeper appreciation for our parents, and partly because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it through the past couple of weeks without her help and encouragement.

We also got to "spend" a little time with Jason's mom and dad via a Mother's Day video chat.  So, so happy to have this kind of technology when we live far away from family!  (Even if Henry hasn't really bothered to wake up for video chatting yet...)

Henry and Jason gave me a rose bush for Mother's Day (iPhone picture does not do it justice...)--something to have and enjoy for many years!

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