Monday, May 21, 2012

Settling In

I suppose things are settling in around here.  Sometimes we seem to be getting our feet under us--for a few nights Henry slept in four hour stretches (!), and the other day we managed to have a nice lunch and conversation on the deck while he slept in his own crib.  Other days he has his days and nights all mixed up again and we have to employ all forms of baby-torture (diaper changes, taking off his clothes, even *gasp* wiping him with a cool wash cloth) to get him to finish a meal.  Given that we had ramen noodles for lunch and I am still in my pj's, I'll let you guess how last night went. 

Dreaming of food

This outfit seemed appropriate after Henry peed on me, Jason, and Mom, in turn.  He wins.
So, basically, we're doing about as well as can be expected for having a three week-old in the house!
Taking the Baby Bjorn out for a walk on a perfect spring day (thanks, Griffiths!).

Actually, things are going well.  We had a pretty stressful Week Two, as Henry has been slow to regain his birth weight and we had some unsettling (and unhelpful) visits with the nurse practitioner in the week after we got home.  Mom's cheerleading and encouraging advice from the baby experts around us helped enormously.  Ah, the baby experts--one of the advantages of having kids later than everyone else is being able to find quick answers to the important questions in life, like how to get poo out of clothes and how to put Henry in the grocery cart AND buy groceries at the same time.

Today starts Jason's last week of paternity leave and I admit to dreading the day he puts a suit back on and heads out the door in the morning.  However, we've survived Mom going home (although Henry and I both cried for the rest of the night after taking her to the airport), so probably after a few mutual tear shedding sessions we'll figure out how to spend our days together.  It helps that I finally feel like a new person--I can laugh without pain, bend over without wincing, and even carry Henry up and down the stairs!  Still, we may have to start the week off with another round of Pride and Prejudice, which is one of my default stress relievers and which I have probably watched three times in the past month.

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