Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The Ship O' Dreams Comes to Harbor

Henry arrived just on time on the last day of April--not too early, as we were able to get a few things set up in the nursery and (sort of) move back into our bedroom with absolutely no time to spare, and not too late, as this kid ended up surprising everyone by weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz and 22 inches.  My doctor was still saying the next morning that she had no idea I had so much baby in me.  The c-section, which is necessary for placenta previa, ended up being a double blessing.

Henry's first few moments

Weighing in at Big Baby with Big Noggin'
We are totally taken with this kid.  I readily admit that I didn't know how I would feel when I met him for the first time (and, given that the first time I met him I was stretched out on an operating table being sown up, it WAS a bit strange), but he is seriously the best thing that ever happened to us.

Our first family photo
Finally holding Henry in recovery
We pretty much decided on "Henry" on our way back from the "it's a boy" ultrasound, but we'd mostly held the name close and hadn't even really used it amongst ourselves.  There's that line from You've Got Mail that says something like, "Kathleen Kelly:  her name was everywhere today."  That's what "Henry" felt like on Monday, like it had finally spilled out of its secret box and was on everyone's tongue (because when you have a baby, it is the most important thing in everyone's life, right?).  We're calling him Henry Jay Andrew after both our brothers, so he's got a good handle for starting off life.

Henry's first visitors, Brent and Tilly (friend Carter was strapped in the stroller).
Hanging out with Dad
We're home now and, although we've been ridiculously slow at getting the word out (within 24 hours I realized why people feel they can't accomplish anything with a newborn around), we are doing better every day.  Henry is a really good baby, and I no longer feel like I was run over by a freight train. 

Family of three
Dressed up in his going home duds.
Granny and Papa have been here for a few days, cooking, gardening, supervising bath time, changing diapers, encouraging us, and generally holding things together around here--I just about burst into tears of relief when they walked in the door last Thursday.  While we are very tired, we are very, very happy to finally have him here.


Bec said...

Oh yay! Congratulations! Even at 9 lbs he is still sooo tiny! I love the name Henry and would so steal it if only it went with Henrickson;)

Carlottamarie said...

CONGRATULATIONS MISSY AND JASON!!!!! He is BEAUTIFUL!!! So excited for you all!!!

april said...

Oh Missy, so awesome to see you as a mama! I hope you're able to make time for your blog as Henry continues to grow and change. Your long-distance readers will be anxiously waiting for updates : ).

Congratulations to you and Jason! And to Henry too... that lucky boy joined a wonderful family.

Jason and Jackie said...

I've been checking every day to catch a glimpse. I love your blog title! ;o) He is so beautiful and so blessed. Keep us updated as much as you can. I know it won't be much, but we'll love every tiny bit of news we can get. You're so right. They take up every moment and you wouldn't have it any other way. Especially at this time in their lives, even when they're sleeping, you can't resist hanging over them taking in the sweetness of a sleeping angel. Enjoy!

Andrea said...

commented once but not sure where it went? anyway! kindred spirits if you can work in references to both anne's house of dreams and you've got mail into one post! nice work. I have been haunting your blog for pictures of Mr. Henry for days now. Thank you!! He is beyond precious and I am so thrilled for you guys. So happy your parents are there too :)