Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rainy Relief

After three days of 90+ weather last weekend, I was very excited to hear that rain was the forecast for this weekend. While the garden certainly benefited from rain, it was Jason and I who really needed a rainy weekend, one that didn't compel us to get outside with our shovels and work gloves. Besides, the garden is all but planted--if it hadn't rained steadily today, I would have planted the cucumber and zucchini that I've been growing in little pellets since early April, and they would have been the last additions. There is already a tiny line of spinach popping up, as well as iceberg and romaine, and I am pretty sure that through the rain I saw the leaf of a bean plant just about to spring out of the soil. Goody!

So, anyway, after many, many weekends of basement renovation completed just in time for the Big Garden Project to begin, we were relieved to wake up to clouds and sprinkles on Saturday morning. The morning started perfectly with tea (I am suddenly a huge fan of Lady Grey) and a book. We did get a little yard work done between the showers--Jason planted some grass seed and I potted the last of the herbs, but otherwise it was a weekend of hockey and book club. Just right.

Yesterday it was spitting off and on, but today it rained steadily, and when we got home we warmed up leftovers and crawled onto the couch to watch a movie. I was so rejuvenated that I spent the rest of the weekend organizing the house--which has been starving for my attention over the past few months. In my subconscious I am convinced that if only each thing has its own place (properly labeled and color coded, of course), I will be utterly and completely in control of my life. I know, crazytalk, but I'm learning to settle for small victories--the desk is clean for the first time since Christmas, for example, and there is no longer a basket on the top floor of things that need to go downstairs and in the basement of things to go upstairs. And the library finally has picture frames (albeit empty ones) on the wall. All these are very good things, and they make me think that perhaps I will also be able to manage the daunting task of leaving work on time each night this week.

Tomorrow promises to be a good Monday, which bodes well for the rest of the week. After all, there is a box in the closet labeled "umbrellas" and a book that no one is making me read is sitting open on my nightstand.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It poured here yesterday -- and today! It was wonderful! Can't wait to see the rain's impact on your garden.